Glasgow Open Days. An opportunity to attend a guided tour of the Glasgow Observatory. 🡲
In the UK, a network of observatories is being established to deliver essential new data from underground.
The UK Geonergy Observatories are open to the UK and international science communities. Researchers can utilise the core from the sites, core scanning facilities, the research boreholes at any location and the data collected so far.
We welcome enquiries from those who would like to use the UK Geoenergy Observatories' facilities for research.
The observatories are open to the whole of the UK and international research and development community and we are keen to hear from scientists and engineers in the commercial sector who may be interested in using the facilities.
Publicly run, owned and funded, each observatory will contribute to world-class science that puts the UK at the forefront of delivering clean energy at the scale required to achieve net zero by 2050.
The UK Geoenergy Observatories will inform how geoenergy can help to deliver clean economic growth.
Latest updates about the UK Geoenergy Observatories.
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